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Category: Uncategorized


I try not to talk as much about things that bother me because I’d be doing it all the time if I let myself get started. But I do have to talk about this. The continent, land, flora, fauna, people, of Asia have my entire heart. Always have, always...

A Sims house quandary

This post is literally just about The Sims. Not even current Sims, but The Sims 3, a game I refuse to move on from because it has horses and controllable pets. And this is anticlimactic, but, I already know I’m going to change this house. When I had some...

Really just don’t know what’s going on

I am stupidly unwell. My lips look pale in the mirror and I am sleeping so much. I just want to get past it and have some semblance of a normal day until they can sort me out. I think I might be going back into a psychotic episode...

Protected: Hello ?

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post....

I’ve had my COVID jab!

Well, the first half of it, anyway. The second dose will come sometime in the next 12 weeks, and even then I won’t be invincible but if the worst happens, it will hopefully hit me a lot less than it otherwise would have done. I also just got a...

Under better weather

Thought I’d better write something on here again. I will spam y’all with photos shortly but first, I may as well write some boring text-based news. I’ve been having some spates of feeling better and getting out of bed more, and I think it’s because it’s been sunny. I’ve...


I’m quite stressed at the moment. I’m in a weird in-between state. I feel like I should normally be in a low right now, very tired, sleeping a lot, sleeping at night as well as in the day, mood not able to go higher than a certain point, etc....

Literally sleeping or gaming

S’up y’all it’s ya girl Letti. There’s not a lot to report because I am mostly tired and sleeping at the moment. Honestly the most exciting things in my life are happening in games of Phasmophobia. E.g. here’s a time we were hunted thrice in quick succession and I...

More boards

We’d only need a shed if the house we bought didn’t come with a garage, probably. I’m quite determined to have a purple fence! And I suppose the fence is something we’ll be able to paint straight away, whereas you’re meant to let the inside walls of a new...