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Freya Gwendolyn Rowley-Morris 19th June 2009 - 11th November 2021 Fluff-butt extraordinaire. Dog of a lifetime. ...

The fascinating world of Fallout

(I will list mods further down)- see updates also! While I’m fairly sure I watched somebody play Fallout (3?) back in the day and I was vaguely amused by Vault Boy memes, I didn’t play it myself. But recently, a couple of my dear friends have bought me a...

My tattoo for Joop

I’ve had this tattoo for more than a month, I was waiting to take a healed picture, but I still haven’t healed all of the surface yet, so I may as well get on with mentioning it. Joop has been gone for 2 years now, and now that we...

Updates from Henford-on-Bagley

My cat liked to wander off sometimes but I thought this was normal. Suddenly, she had two kittens, and I found out I had to spay pets in The Sims. I went with the auto-generated names, so they are Bubblegum and Archimedes Benoit. Not sure if the fathering cat’s...

A small DIY I’ve been meaning to post

So when we moved into our house, we bought this shower rack for our ensuite. I like it a lot. But, I get annoyed at having to clean it when bottles react with it and cause stains. It’s a common bathroom problem but it irritates me. I go through...

Real things from Tomb Raider 1

I must preface this by saying that archaeology and Egyptology are surface-level hobbies for me (well, a bit deeper than that), I am not an expert, I may be wrong about some things. But Tomb Raider was undoubtedly my gateway to a sincere love of ancient places. Here are...

Tomb Raider I – III Remastered review

+ Switch between new and old textures at will Photo mode Old games fixed for Steam, with quality-of-life improvements – No Level Select after completing game Many achievements bugged Noticeable decrease in effort by TR3 I was surprised but delighted when I found out that the original, retro Tomb...

Sims, teeth, and Bob

I started playing The Sims again so of course I have many screenshots. I also FINALLY got my wisdom tooth removed and there are some gross pictures about that at the bottom. I can’t get galleries to not be invisible in the actual post on WordPress so I’m afraid...

Happy New Year

Hello everyone, sorry for the gap in blogging again, I’m tired and ill as always lol. I finally started on my Resident Evil series on Twitch, and the first video from that is now ready! It’s a long-un so I completely understand needing to be relegated to another monitor...

Worldbuilding concept: United Earth

This started as a worldbuilding project for an eventual janky game, basically because I wanted an excuse to have a different alphabet on screen (y’all know I love a good alphabet), but then I thought about it way, WAY too much. I must note that this project uses the...

We finally warmed the house

The biggest news is that I finally met Vix, a.k.a. OpenHeartZoo from my gaming group, in real life! She was in my area for a couple of days and I actually arranged our entire housewarming around it. It was weird not to have her voice delivered through earphones for...