Adventures in New Vegas
Hello everyone, I am very tired. I’ve been meaning to talk about New Vegas (and I also still need to talk about Soul Reaver). But you can tell when I’ve been feeling especially rough because my recreational (a.k.a. non-stream) gaming takes a backseat. So I had a bit of...
All about my Fallout characters
This post will probably be most interesting to people who like RPGs, and believe it or not, I usually don’t. I’ve probably said before that I like being given an existing character with a purpose, e.g. I’m Jill Valentine or I’m Ada Wong, and I’m here doing this thing...
Unlocking my Fallout dog, Christmas, and new stationery
Well, I finally did it, I got to rank 81 for this season and unlocked the white shepherd, who looks a lot like our late dog, Freya. It’s nice that I finally did it, but it’s also bittersweet to see those mannerisms on a dog that looks so much...
My brain has left my body
Hello everybody; I must start by saying that, no, I still haven’t unlocked my dog yet. I could get the one from the shop using Atoms earned in game, but I don’t want to set it down in my camp and get attached to it, because I’m aiming for...
My camp on the Whitespring golf course continues to be ridiculous
Hello everyone, here are some more recent game updates and life ramblings. In my free time I’m mostly still playing Fallout 76, trying to grind for the season rewards before the approximate deadline. I’m looking forward to the next season though, because we should be getting a lot of...
Halloween gaming adventures: Silent Hill 2, Dead by Daylight, FO76, Forewarned, Phasmophobia
It may be November, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s still Spooky Season until Christmas Day. So it doesn’t feel too late to talk about Halloween gaming and events. I did play Haunted by Daylight, even though I didn’t entirely understand it. I didn’t really go into the...
Gaming news: Tomb Raider, Fallout, DBD
There has been some quite exciting game news recently. I was surprised but excited by the announcement for the Tomb Raider IV – VI Remastered pre-order. I suspected we would get remasters for The Last Revelation and Chronicles, but wasn’t feeling too hopeful that Angel of Darkness would get...
Living my best life
I feel guilty for talking about so much negative stuff recently. Illness and hospital and blood and grief. A good while ago I decided I was only going to talk about positive things online and keep thoughts about serious things private, mainly because of how devastatingly I internalise things...
Inpatient and life choices
I finally had my inpatient stay for Cushing’s Disease. It was pretty brutal. A lot of needles in a lot of veins. And if I never pee in a jug again it’ll be too soon. As always I can’t remember what I mentioned last time this was relevant. When...
Recent loss
Ozzy recently passed away and I don’t quite believe it. Part of me honestly thought he’d be around forever. He was there from the very beginning. I met my now-husband, thought he was cute, and found out he had a family dog. And of course, I wanted to meet...