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Happy New Year

Hello everyone, sorry for the gap in blogging again, I’m tired and ill as always lol.

I finally started on my Resident Evil series on Twitch, and the first video from that is now ready!

Join me on this trip down memory lane.

It’s a long-un so I completely understand needing to be relegated to another monitor or tab, I could not pay attention for that long, and tbh that’s how I watch YouTube myself because of my own lack of focus lmao. But thanks as always to you guys who do watch my content.

We had our first Christmas in our own home! It was nice, we did have family visit a couple of times but for most of it, it was just Will and me chilling out. Grief is always accentuated at this time of year when it’s cold and dark and quiet. But I just have to keep pushing through and hope a time will come when it won’t hurt as much.

I did realise though, that since we were finally lucky enough to become homeowners, I have generally felt an inner peace and contentment that was missing from my life before. Sometimes outside things try to take that peace, but I’ve finally learned at the age of 34 that I have to make a conscious choice to only talk about positive things for the sake of my own sanity. I refuse to let evil eat me anymore.

This year we hope to finally have some sort of honeymoon (there was a really cool cruise going from Singapore, to Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Japan, including Nagasaki where I’ve always wanted to go, but for some reason they aren’t repeating it, so not sure what we’ll do exactly), and once we’ve finally done that, we want to get pets again, most likely a Korat cat and a Cardigan Corgi.

I have mixed feelings about tank pets; I want to get a snail(s) again, but also, frogs have grown on me a lot, as a guy cutting our grass apparently counted 28 of them in our garden! Then there are wonderful Leachies, and as the tank and room temperature might be easier to manage in a newbuild house, maybe I could even get a little dragon after all. We’ll see!

Anyway, thanks for hanging around y’all, sorry I don’t update anything as much as I should, still got medical stuff happening and I’m very exhausted about it. Sleep pattern changes every week because hormones suck. But honestly, I’m doing my best.

The one was from my birthday lol

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