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We bought a house!

I am very behind on writing this, but we finally did it. I haven’t updated this website in a long while mostly due to sheer exhaustion, but last y’all heard from me, we’d been living with Will’s mum and siblings for a few years to make it easier to save money. Well, we finally saved enough deposit, and we found a Shared Ownership house which accepted us!


We definitely miss the animals and it’s the end of an era, but the whole endeavour did what it was supposed to, so it was just time to go. It also happened just in time because I have really needed to sit in my bra and pants in this heat. Ozzy came for a sleepover with us for a week and that was nice.

We are very lucky to have this house, we’re surrounded by a lot of nature and it’s quite peaceful. We had a bat spend ages flying low in our garden, I think it was hunting the moths on our wedding buddleia and it didn’t seem bothered by us being there at all. I only wish Freya and Joop could’ve made it here, but I feel like they haven’t totally gone.

The convenience!
My slimmed-down t-shirt collection. I think we still need to declutter more unfortunately 😅
The house has a MVHR system, which supplies constant fresh air, but it not only brings in the hot air, it also adds heat recovered from the house to the incoming air, so it’s terrible for summer, and we’ll probably have to get air conditioning at some point. But we won’t need much if any heating in the winter.
We aren’t meant to open the windows much because of the MVHR, but when we do, we get a lot of wildlife, like this damselfly, coming in.
Finally reunited.
Spray-painted my toilet frame gold because it’s better than grey plastic.
Big wind.
Big map!
I like doing this to various objects.

I am pretty ill right now, very bad fatigue phase, very bad migraine phase, really bad muscle weakness. So, not as much as I would like in terms of unpacking is getting done. We couldn’t book my migraine injections when I needed them because it was uncertain when we’d complete on the house. To cut a long story short, my appointment is still approximately a month away, and I am at MAXIMUM migraine, man. So much pain for so much of the day, and so much sleeping. I’ve just got to live through it because there aren’t other options. I am very much out of my gourd at this point though.

So yep, behind on physical things, behind on digital things, you name it and I probably haven’t been doing it for a few months. But at least the wait for our own home is finally over, which doesn’t quite feel real yet. The council still control some aspects of what we can do because it’s affordable housing, but we hope to staircase to full ownership one day.

We’ve got a lot of work to do and it’ll be a while before I can get my own PC because I’ve had to keep getting money out of savings, but things are very slowly happening. And hopefully I will actually have half a brain when I have my injections.

PS: Fanhouse is shutting down and merging with Passes, and it’s been a whole thing, and since I haven’t had the energy for editing a video in so long, I likewise have not been releasing them early on Fanhouse, so I feel bit detached from the whole thing. My account and subscriber accounts will apparently be automatically migrated to Passes, but I imagine a lot of things will stop working because Passes hasn’t made them yet, like Discord integrations, and Twitch subscriber access, and the Fanhouse bot in the Crew Discord will probably cease to exist at some point. It’s not the biggest deal in the world but people should still know.

Whatever happens my links should hopefully be updated here.

PPS: Here’s a video from the new year that I don’t think ended up getting put on here lol

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