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We bought a house!

I am very behind on writing this, but we finally did it. I haven’t updated this website in a long while mostly due to sheer exhaustion, but last y’all heard from me, we’d been living with Will’s mum and siblings for a few years to make it easier to...

Grief is killing me

It hurts so much . Time does nothing but I think I always knew this. I think, surely I shouldn’t still cry so much. When you think about the same thing all the time, it should lose the ability to make you cry, through repeated exposure. But not with...

Personal Pantheon

Long-time readers (or really, anyone who hasn’t been here very long, but has eyes) likely remember that I’m a Jew. Jews have the ethnoreligion, belonging to our race and with practices relating to our homeland, so called Judaism after us and our place of origin. Most people think “Abrahamic...

My 30s identity crisis

Y’all may remember we recently started playing a game called Remnant Records. The mannequin in this got me pondering about phobias. Then, in the research I was doing for that post, I had a blast from the past about a telecommunications tower that was in view of one of...

The interesting subject of Phobias

(Warning: This post contains images of the phobias in question). We had movie night in our Discord last night, and we watched The Deep House, a horror movie with the interesting premise of being in an underwater house. This was a fun one because perhaps ironically, a few of...

Skeletons and skincare

As always it’s been a while since I last posted on here. Still a lot of monotonous waiting for treatment. But, we actually did some stuff recently, so here it is. Not only did I manage to see Jurassic World: Dominion in the cinema with my husband (and fall...

Weird time

I know I should write on here a lot more often than I do, I do most of my updates on Fanhouse and Discord now because I’m tired and it’s easier to make shorter updates. But man, there is a lot going on at once. It turns out I...


Joop died. We found out late at night. We are devastated. He had been unwell recently and received a course of antibiotic injections at the vet. He seemed to be getting better for a while, but then some flesh literally fell off his body and into his tank. The...


Freya died. This is probably obvious from the previous post. She did very well making it to 12 (the approx lifespan of her breed is 7-10). I know she stayed as long as she could. Will and I had a miscarriage right before we found out she was dying...


Freya Gwendolyn Rowley-Morris 19th June 2009 - 11th November 2021 Fluff-butt extraordinaire. Dog of a lifetime. ...