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Author: Letti

Memento mori

Will and me recently finished the Spiritfarer local co-op that we were doing on date nights. The ending made me cry a lot but we always knew it would. I am weirdly emotional about death. And to be fair to myself, I think these moments in games and films...

Movies to see once in your life

I’m going to try to cap this at 200 movies, which will probably get harder as time goes on because lots of good films will come out. At the time of writing I’m only at 140 movies, so I will come back and update this in the future, no...

Plant time again

It’s always risky cutting your own hair with the ponytail method (and I accidentally gave myself a fringe again) but the weight of my hair was bothering me. He’s so pure of heart. Pickle has started aggressively coming for my lunch salads and walking all over my keyboard about...

I am exhausted

My muscle weakness is getting out of control at the moment and we had to cancel an appointment this morning because it was clear I wasn’t making it out of bed. I’ve only been up for a couple of hours, I did get a new video uploaded to YouTube...

Witness my derangement

If you haven’t seen anything of the game Devour, I sincerely urge you to catch up. Probably cast it to a TV a bit away from you or at the very least don’t wear headphones! We in The Spooky Crew love Devour even though it terrifies us to our...

Cushing’s Disease; I’ve had a brain tumour the whole time

What is Cushing’s? Cushing’s Disease ACTH-secreting tumour (adenoma) Tumour is usually on the pituitary gland at the base of the brain ACTH (adrenocorticotropin) tells the adrenal glands on top of the kidneys to produce too much cortisol Cushing’s Syndrome Tumour on one of the adrenal glands causing the release...