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All about my Fallout characters

This post will probably be most interesting to people who like RPGs, and believe it or not, I usually don’t. I’ve probably said before that I like being given an existing character with a purpose, e.g. I’m Jill Valentine or I’m Ada Wong, and I’m here doing this thing and I’m mad about that thing, and my goal is to go and shoot that guy, etc etc.
I remember when Vily first bought me Fallout 3, and I was playing it on stream, I got out of the Vault and said, OK, now where do I go? And chat said, “wherever you want.” WHAT DO YOU MEAN, WHEREVER I WANT?!
Learning disabilities also make me struggle with aspects of RPGs. Does this perk give me 5% thing while I’m doing blah? Cool, but I’m literally incapable of remembering that so I will never think about it or make gameplay decisions around it.

With that said, Fallout is now a big part of my life. I’m somehow playing 4 of the games at once, although this decreased a lot with our recent batch of illness, and I’ve been struggling while waiting for my latest migraine botox to take effect, and for my head and neck to stop feeling so sore and swollen.

Anyway, here are my characters, in the approx order I made them (I’m confused about when Butti the 3rd came, it must’ve been after 4’s Butti in which case, why did I call her that? I have no idea anymore). For an explanation of the Butti naming system, see this Instagram caption lol.

It seemed like a good time to finally make this, as I have a New Vegas video releasing on Tuesday.

Fallout 3


I remember I didn’t try to use the face editor from that era.


Black Widow
Bloody Mess
Daddy’s Girl (3)
Gun Nut (3)
Power Armor Training
Punga Power!
Rad Regeneration
Superior Defender
Survival Expert
Swift Learner (3)

Level 19

Strength 6
Perception 7
Endurance 1 (-)
Charisma 5
Intelligence 7
Agility 2 (-)
Luck 7

Very Good
– Saint

Usual Weapon: A3-21’s Plasma Rifle
Usual Apparel: When I loaded up this save I was only wearing BOS power armor, I have no idea what I went around in before
Usual companions: Dogmeat and Fawkes
Home: Megaton House

Butti 2 [Electric] Boogaloo


Animal Friend (2)
Black Widow
Bloody Mess
Child at Heart
Daddy’s Girl (3)
Fortune Finder
Robotics Expert
Swift Learner (2)

Level 21

S 6
P 7
E 5
C 8
I 5
A 5
L 7

Very Good
– Restorer of Faith
(somehow apparently)

Weapon: A3-21’s Plasma Rifle
Usual Outfit: Regulator Duster
Biker Goggles
Ghoul Mask as needed
No companions yet; I got a mod that should stop Dogmeat dying but it didn’t work when I just loaded up my old save lol, I’m waiting to find him until I can defend him better.
Home: Megaton House, pre-war theme

Fallout 4

Butti Strikes Again


Ace Operator
Animal Friend (3)
Armorer (4)
Astoundingly Awesome 10, 12, 7, 8 (I don’t remember magazines appearing in the perks before)
Attack Dog (2)
Barbarian (6)
Better Criticals (2)
Black Widow (2)
Blacksmith (3)
Bloody Mess
Cap Collector (3)
Chosen Disciple
Covert Operations (4)
Fortune Finder (2)
Gun Nut (3)
Guns and Bullets (4)
Hacker (4)
Inspirational (2)
Intimidation (3)
Islanders Almanac 01, 02, 04
Junktown Vendor
Life Giver
Local Leader (2)
Locksmith (4)
Lover’s Embrace
Massachusetts Surgery (2)
Medic (2)
Mysterious Stranger (3)
Nerd Rage!
Night Person (2)
Protector of Acadia
Ricochet (3) (this has killed innocent people lol)
Robot Sympathy
Robotics Expert
SCAV! – Bladed Bravado, Cautionary Crafts, Motivationally Moneyless, Pugilistic Propensities, Villainous Virtuosity
Science (4)
Sneak (4)
Tesla Science
Tumblers Today (2)
V.A.N.S. (2)
Wasteland Survival 6, 8, 9
Wasteland Whisperer

Level 75

S 6
P (+) 10
E 4
C 10
I (1) 11
A (+) 7
L 10

No karma system in FO4

Weapons: Tactical Boosted Fiery Improved Automatic Plasma Pistol, Nuka Nuke Launcher.
Outfits: Vault suits (including custom ones), branded shirts (Abraxo, Nuka etc), wedding ring, marine wetsuit.
Usual companions: Dogmeat of course, and I romanced Hancock. Also had Codsworth with me for a long time.
Home: Sanctuary Hills
Allied to the Minutemen.

Fallout 76

Butti the 3rd

I really try to make them look like me, but I think I’m self-face-blind. Wish my hair was that good IRL.

Perk Cards

Strong Back
Traveling Pharmacy (3)
Bear Arms
Lock & Load
Pack Rat
Ordnance Express

Green Thumb
Concentrated Fire (3)
Fire in the Hole
Fortune Finder, which is swapped out with Butcher’s Bounty when needed

Adamantium Skeleton
Cola Nut

Lone Wanderer (2)
Field Surgeon (2)
Hard Bargain
Animal Friend (3)
Travel Agent

First Aid
Demolition Expert
Science (2)
Science Master
Fix It Good (2)

Born Survivor
Escape Artist
Home Defense (3)
Light Footed
White Knight

Mysterious Stranger
Cap Collector
Pharma Farma
Luck of the Draw
Lucky Break (2)
Mysterious Savior
Super Duper
Last Laugh (kills me a lot actually)

Legendary Perks

Master Infiltrator (4)
Legendary Strength
Legendary Endurance

Level 172

S (+) 9
P 8
E (+) 10
C 9
I (+) 11
A 7
L (+) 12

Weapons: Slug Buster, Marksman’s Plasma Rifle (flamer mod). Sometimes bring Plasma Caster or Gatling Laser.
Outfits: Constantly changing, usually have Shielded V76 Jumpsuit under under a Nuka Quantum Jumpsuit, Enclave outfits, Ranger armor, Rooster gas mask, wedding ring, etc.
Usually wear a set of Civil Engineer Armor, and have an alternate chest piece with jetpack fitted (had to do a lot of grinding with Danilo for that one). Also use the Chinese Stealth Armor a lot.

Home: Main camp is at Hole 2 on the Whitespring Golf Course. I have a few others I rotate through every now and then but I love my main camp.

Camp allies:
Beckett, White Shepherd (Freya), in one of my other camps I have a Bombay Cat named Zosma.
When I met Beckett I remember thinking he was so well acted that I really need to get my act together (excuse the pun?) with my own career, when I’m not feeling like complete death somehow.

Generally allied to the Appalachian Enclave and the Crater Raiders, but mostly friendly with everyone.

Fallout: New Vegas

Butti Is Eternal

Once again I didn’t try to use the face editor from that era.


Adamantium Skeleton
Animal Control
Black Widow
Bloody Mess
Bug Stomper
Cherchez la Femme
Fortune Finder
Intense Training
Lord Death
Miss Fortune
Ranger Takedown
Set Lazers for Fun
Spotter (from Boone)
Spray and Pray
Swift Learner (3)
Terrifying Prescence
Wild Wasteland

Level 28

S 5
P 7
E 5
C 7
I 6
A 5
L 6

Very Good
– Herald of Tranquillity
(again, somehow)

Weapon: Plasma Rifle
Outfits: NCR Ranger Combat or Patrol Armor
Usual Companion: Craig Boone. His backstory made me sad and I got kind of attached to him, and he’s often killed everybody before I can even hit the VATS button. I did have Cass with me briefly for a quest.
Home: Lucky 38 Presidential Suite.

Friendly with: Boomers, Followers of the Apocalypse, Freeside, Goodsprings, New California Republic, Novac, The Strip, White Glove Society (somehow, I exposed their cannibalism).

Vilified by: Caesar’s Legion, Great Khans, Powder Gangers.
Raiders generally mad about stuff.

I still need to write about Soul Reaver at some point, and my adventures in New Vegas, but I hope you enjoyed this.

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