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Furthering my descent

Just wanted to share a few more things from The Sims 4. Some more things I noticed: You can’t just plonk a fence down like before, you have to build a room, and then replace the wall with a fence. Weird. Bonehilda doesn’t have that little coffin shed that she lives in, she just gets summoned sometimes and disappears again. The game is also crashing on me quite a lot, so I might wait until I’ve got a new laptop and move all my files over before I devote too much time to this one. I still have a lot going on in 3 anyway and so far that isn’t giving me problems.

I probably should cut down my Sims time because of the sheer amount of stuff I’m trying to do; editing my stream backlog for YouTube, making new content, trying to have some Tomb Raider time on the PS3, catching up on missed livestreams and YouTube videos from creators I enjoy, having appointments, and of course spending 90% of my life in bed with a migraine or just plain unconscious. So it’s getting a bit stressful that I’m trying to cram so much into my life.
And that’s without the right weather for stuff like gardening or anything. We might have a family BBQ soon but I won’t be inviting anyone over until after I’ve had the 2nd part of my COVID jab, and even then I’ve become a real hermit and I don’t think I’m ready to see people. I’m fine hanging out in a virtual ghost hunt but I’m pretty overwhelmed by the idea of someone being in my house.

And to top it off, Freya is pretty unwell at the moment. Well, she’s been unwell for a good couple of years now, she’s arthritic, she’s almost 12, and she’s going in for a procedure soon. I’m unhappy about her needing anaesthetic because it’s harder for her to recover from it with her age and health but there’s nothing that can be done about it. She’s been in hideous pain recently and it’s extremely distressing watching her pacing around and trying to sleep sat up because lying down hurts her so much, and there’s absolutely nothing we can do about it when she’s already had pain relief. I think I’ve just answered my own question about why I’m diving into The Sims so much. Anyway, here’s some pictures.

An angry dead woman came to disturb Will in the shower.
Hmm, yes, pianos.
The robot vacuum cleaner broke because of all the dog hair.
A ghost left the room because my sim was bad at music.
Cars certainly seem to be ornamental in the background of this game. Weird choice.
This wallpaper gives me Spongebob vibes.
I really feel like I can see his penis.
Definitely not a bad idea.
Yeah Bonehilda!
Child don’t sit so close to those candles.

I forgot to put tattoos on at first.
There’s a lot of lights floating on nothing in this game.
Why are you like this.
A very normal lunch.

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