We have a car again!
We finally bought a second-hand car after my MIL’s one packed up a while ago. I was going a bit spare not being able to leave the house for ages, so it came just in time.
I had too much fun getting in there and going over everything with a disinfectant wipe. I have also kitted it out with boxes of vomit bags for the front and back seats. The car actually has 7 seats but they’re folded down for the dogs and my chair and they probably won’t see much use.
I’m quite impatient to learn to drive but that all depends on the DVLA getting their act together. I’m sure y’all remember I got married October 2018 and applying to change my name on my provisional still hasn’t been dealt with. Their response was OH YOU HAVE A DISABILITY PLEASE FILL OUT THESE FORMS even though they already knew that. Getting any form of common sense answer is like getting blood from a stone.
Still don’t have my provisional back and it’s February 2020.
I wouldn’t be able to drive at times like now anyway when I have a constant fucking migraine and can only get out of bed when it goes into a lull. This past day I spent 17 hours in bed and it’s so fucking boring and frustrating. But now at least we can book my injections because we definitely have transport.
Pet spam:
I finally finished my crochet table cover for the lounge.
It was the Superbowl at the beginning of February, I thought I took more pictures around them but apparently not.
More photos of stuff.
A bit more progress has been made towards the possibility of buying a house. We’ve been invited to go for a viewing.
I tried working out where our furniture would go, I measured stuff and found the actual models in Floorplanner where I could. So the answer is . . . we would probably have to streamline our stuff and/or replace it with more efficient stuff.
It’s not a perfect situation but the house would fit us and we’d also never have the possibility of a landlord retracting permission for pets. We are pet-focused people, we care about animal husbandry. If I had to choose between having pets for the rest of my life or having children, it’s pets, hands down, I would rather live without children than live without animals.
A bonus would be getting to decorate. I have a million ideas for that on Pinterest already.
A handyman came round to sort out the hole that’s flaking in the shower because there should be a mirror there. He put a new one up. But he also let some things slip about the agency.
Apparently they had to go back through 4 families’ worth of inventories to figure out when the mirror was broken and removed, because they just didn’t pay any attention when it happened. It sounds like everything there is a real clusterfuck.
Anyway, it looks like things are getting better, we own a car and hopefully I will get my injections soon and be able to have coherent thoughts.