Leaving our old house was weirdly emotional. I think it’s because we were there for a few years. We built up a lot of memories in all the rooms. It’s also the last time it was just Will, me, and the dog (and, briefly, a snail!).
I love living in the group house but there was definitely a cosiness when it was just the two humans.
The rooms looked so much smaller without any furniture in them. It’s weird.
We got married while we lived in that house. I almost died in it 8 months ago. I had a horrific kitchen knife accident in it a year ago, and got my blood all over the carpets of two rooms. There’s just so much in that house, I think it will always mean something to me.
I hope a long-term owner-occupier comes to live in the house, and completely redecorates, refits, and loves it.