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Make your own planner stickers, vol. 2! ?

You may remember that a while ago, I printed some planner stickers onto adhesive labels and it was super fun. I recently felt the need to make some new designs.

The first of these is, FRIENDS! Featuring a spoopy sheet ghost, celebratory confetti, and nachos. These stickers are for times indoors with friends (which tend to involve spoopy films and nachos). For times outdoors I will probably still use the “Adventures Forever!” sticker most of the time.

My original design for this sticker was much more extravagant, with more of the confetti, but unfortunately it crashed Avery Design & Print when I tried to reopen the sheet.

The second design is “Wear glasses today,” featuring a picture of my actual daytime glasses, Candy by Specsavers.
Originally I was just doodling a very bad illustration of a pair of glasses into my planner to remind me to wear them instead of lenses, but this wasn’t as visually pleasing so I decided to make a sticker.

I recently downgraded my lenses plan to save money (RE: Will’s commuting costs bleeding us dry), so I have to make fewer lenses go further. I don’t get a delivery again until after Christmas, and I reckon I’ve got a little over 30 pairs left. Obviously there are more than 30 days between then and now, so I’ve really got to get some glasses time in and spread those lenses out!

I also printed additional sheets of my original sticker set recently, but they came out horrendously too far to the left and are quite useless. The Eurovision ones are really bad, although to be fair they would be for two Eurovisions away since the ones for next May’s contest are already in my planner!

Beckoi & Kadek spoop night, coming up! ???

Here are some picture of Kadek and me being cool during a recent event.


See the previous sticker post here.


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