Gaming news: Tomb Raider, Fallout, DBD
There has been some quite exciting game news recently. I was surprised but excited by the announcement for the Tomb Raider IV – VI Remastered pre-order. I suspected we would get remasters for The Last Revelation and Chronicles, but wasn’t feeling too hopeful that Angel of Darkness would get one; the game had some problems and was pretty much the death knell for the original Lara Croft. Despite this, and feeling like I was frustrated by some of the game mechanics I can barely remember, I was immediately glad to know it would be included in the remasters.

I make no secret of the fact that I hated some of the traps in The Last Revelation and I really start to hate playing Chronicles by the end, but I am still very keen to experience these games in remastered form, and conveniently on Steam. And I’ve really got to try and get my backlog of Tomb Raider (and Resident Evil) videos done for YouTube by then!
Now, something else exciting; Fallout 76 is finally getting pets! At the moment, there is a “taming” system of sorts, but I’ve never gotten it to work. I have the maxed-out Animal Friend perk (I also like the version of this in FO3, which means animals just don’t attack you at all), which gives me a chance to “pacify” an animal. For select random encounters, you are also meant to be able to tame the animal and send it back to your camp. I’ve never had this option even when I’ve been sure the animal is a random encounter, so no camp pet for Butti the 3rd yet. Unless you count the brahmin.

But as this screenshot from the Tokyo Game Show announcement shows, proper pets are coming. I’m not sure if they’ll actually serve any function other than dispensing resources/junk. But I’d like to have one around anyway. I just hope it won’t conflict with my Nuka Quantron; I already had to store my robot dog collectron in order to have him! It’ll also be awkward if pets replace camp allies, because Beckett has set up a bar at my camp.
The following images are from Nuka Knights; as they have watermarked them, I hope they don’t mind me using them here, but if they do I can remove them. The Nuka Knights website is a good source of information about stuff that’s coming up in FO76. Not everything datamined is guaranteed to be released, but these things look promising anyway. A black cat, a white pointy dog (which we all know I will project Freya onto), and some Enclave-themed things! Which I never thought I would be excited for, since Butti’s future compatriots are firm enemies of the Enclave. But here we are. Of particular note is a PLASMA CORE RECHARGER!

I’ve been trying to get back into Dead by Daylight recently; I did say that I would once I had my own PC, it’s been about a year now and I’m finally doing it lol. The Haunted by Daylight Halloween event is currently active. I haven’t managed to look at any of it yet because when I tried, I got a blank screen, which I assume is some sort of error on my end. But, hopefully I will get around to doing something with it at some point.

I’m not sure what the hell the Void realm is but hopefully I’ll figure it out.
I’ll slap some recent YouTube in here, and then share some screenshots from my own current gaming, including the new Silent Hill 2 remaster.

- Adventures in New Vegas - February 10, 2025
- All about my Fallout characters - January 20, 2025
- Unlocking my Fallout dog, Christmas, and new stationery - December 30, 2024